Get your Face & Body Painted - DEER ME! Face and Body Art!

Step into a world where imagination has absolutely no boundaries. Children and adults come alive into their favourite heroes, princesses, animal, pirate or mythological creature. Your imagination is the limit with DEER ME! Face and Body Art! This is a level of artistry that will bring your party to a whole new level of life, adding a whole new and unique level of enchantment to your next party or event. From birthday parties, festivals and show days all the way to painting pregnant bellies, baby showers, 21st parties and so much more, the talented artists at DEER ME! have you covered for every single occasion and event that you can possibly think of. Get ready to uncover the magical world of face painting as you uncover it's ability to add joy and happiness into any event.

A-Leap now offers face painting

About Deer Me! Face & Body Art!

Bodhi Del Mar is a Gold Coast based face and body artist. She began face painting as a way to cultivate more joy into her life, but she fell in love with it because it brings this same joy into so many other people's lives. If you want to bring delight and happiness to your next event or special occasion, Bodhi is the person to contact. With a highly qualified network of face painter's, they can put together a team for an event of any size, whether it be a festival or a backyard birthday party!

If you would like to get in touch with Bodhi at DEER ME! Face & Body Art, feel free to phone her at:

0450 006 474 

or visit their incredible website here!


Face & Body Art Showcase!


Face & Body Art Price Packages!

We got in touch with DEER ME! Face & Body Art with the sole purpose to offer you as the parent, further opportunity and ideas to create a magical wonderland for your child's birthday party, we have also passed on an easy way to get in touch with this talented team of artists, making your life that little bit easier. With DEER ME! the possibilities are endless, whatever you or your child want is possible.

So why wait to become who you have always wanted to be. Contact Bodhi at DEER ME today and book your day of magic and creativity!

 Book Now!

 If you would like to book a day of face and body painting fun,   click the link to visit the DEER ME! website!

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